Viel Spas 2 – New Edition (Pack)

Viel Spas 2 – New Edition (Pack)

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Viel Spaß! 2 is the second book in a two-part series for the Junior Cycle German programme.
Based on the bestselling previous edition, this updated and redesigned book is a textbook and workbook in one package.
This second and third year book comprises 18 chapters covering relevant and interesting topics such as shopping, cooking, directions, fashion, environment and integration. Each chapter includes a variety of reading materials as well as reading, listening and speaking exercises.

As an important feature of the Junior Cycle German programme is the gathering of material for the Student Portfolio, suitable portfolio exercises are flagged throughout the book. To encourage more active participation from students and to prepare them for the Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs), there are many suggestions for group activities and oral presentations.