The new editions of An dTuigeann Tú? – Ardteist Gnáthleibhéal and Ardleibhéal are different! They have been greatly expanded to cover all aspects of the new Leaving Certificate Irish course. Including:
• The Literature Course – Full text of the poems and stories plus summaries, comprehension questions, comprehensive notes on literary technique, numbered vocabularies and sample exam questions.
• A new 50-page section on the Picture Sequence. This will equip students to deal with the 20 Picture Sequences issued by the State Exam Commission. 18 Topic-based Picture Sequences are also included.
• 18 Sample Essays in the higher level book with Blogs, Conversations, and Sample Emails in the ordinary level book.
• 27 Comprehensions. Ceart na Teanga questions as part of higher level comprehension.
• Everything that was in the last edition of the book on the Oral, Aural and Composition elements of the exam, along with a completely new unit: An Saol ar Líne. This deals with the role of the Internet in the students’ lives – from downloading to YouTube to shopping online to online safety rules. It also includes new topics from An Siollabas Nuashonraithe such as Acmhainní TFC sa Scoil, Ilchultúrachas, etc.
• Newly recorded CDs – at a slower speed.
• 75 Sample Oral Answers in the book and on the CDs – along with na dánta comónta that students will read as part of their oral exam.
• Leabhar Ullmhúcháin don Bhéaltriail, in which students can write their preparation for the oral exam. There are also grammar exercises in the higher level Leabhar Ullmhúcháin don Bhéaltriail – based on the Ceart na Teanga sections in the higher level book.