My Learner ID 6

My Learner ID 6

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Part 1, contains directed and open-ended activities which invite learners to develop an awareness of their strengths, interests, likes and dislikes, wishes and dreams. ‘ABOUT ME’; ‘MY STRENGTHS’; ‘WELCOME TO MY WORLD’ & ‘ABOUT SCHOOL’ invites learners to share their worldview with others. The activities are designed to give a glimpse into the inner world of the student, perceptions of their strengths and their emerging identity as Learner. A broad range of curricular links are offered in the accompanying Teacher Guide for each page in Part 1, making curricular integration effortless and practical.


Part 2 of My LID6 introduces learner dispositions and key approaches to learning that are associated with effective learning habits. Students are encouraged to recognise how these dispositions present as habitual behaviours and responses and are invited to self-reflect and take ownership over strategies to improve their efficiencies in learning. Learner dispositions explored in detail across 30 weeks in My LID6 include (1) Organisation and (2) Metacognition/Thinking about Thinking.


Part 2 also offers optional ideas to teachers on embedding formative assessment opportunities in day-to-day classroom teaching and learning and includes: Opportunities-to-Respond; Self-Assessment & Peer Assessment Schedules; Rubrics.